Why These Stars Are Opening Up About Their Struggles With Pregnancy Loss - Uk Reporters 

Why These Stars Are Opening Up About Their Struggles With Pregnancy Loss - Uk Reporters

 Why These Stars Are Opening Up About Their Struggles With Pregnancy Loss - Uk Reporters 

Just weeks into her second pregnancy in 2020, actress Zulay Henao rushed to the emergency room convinced that her water had broken. "There was a lot happening with my body," she explained in an interview with E! News. "And I was like, 'This isn't normal. Like, I haven't felt this before.'"

She began voicing her concerns around 7 p.m. that night and, after hours of scouring the Internet and reading "all these things I shouldn't have," she recalled, "I was, like, shaking inside of my body, shuddering inside of my body."

That's when boyfriend Kevin Connolly made a call: It was time to go to the hospital. After a thorough check, Zulay got an all-clear from the doctors. "They're like, 'No, you're fine. It's just, you know, your body is going through all these changes,'" she continued.

Which is precisely when she broke down: "I remember sobbing in the hospital room, like, 'How am I going to get through the next, like, seven months of this in one piece?'"